Sam Brown Responds to Jacky Rosen Failing to Protect Northern Nevada Postal Services

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown released the following statement in response to Jacky Rosen’s failure to protect the USPS offices in Northern Nevada.

“This is yet another example of Jacky Rosen failing the Nevadans she supposedly represents. Our campaign was the first to raise the alarm over the terrible impact this proposal would have on all Nevadans. From mail ballots to medication for Nevada veterans, this change will cause delays and immense harm to our local Northern Nevadan communities. Jacky Rosen instead chose to ignore this proposal until it was too late, and as a result, Nevadans will suffer and the D.C. bureaucrats will get their way. Nevada deserves a Senator who shows up, not one who is constantly derelict in her duties” said Sam Brown.
