Brown And Rosen TIED In New York Times Poll

The New York Times released a brand new poll showing Republican Sam Brown and incumbent Democratic Senator Jacky Rosen tied 41-41, amongst likely voters in the November election.

As the dean of Nevada news, Jon Ralston, put it — the poll result is “terrible” for Jacky Rosen. The neck-and-neck results underscore the palpable dissatisfaction among Nevada voters with the one-term junior senator — and shows that voters are embracing the grassroots Duty First movement built by Sam Brown. Rosen’s ballot number is the lowest of any incumbent Democrat running for re-election.

The numbers spell further trouble for the Democrats in November. In the same poll, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by a whopping 13 points.

“I don’t believe that if Joe Biden loses Nevada by double digits that Jacky Rosen will survive,” said Jon Ralston, CEO/Editor of the Nevada Independent.

The New York Times poll is consistent with polling in recent months showing Rosen and Brown locked in a dead heat, in what will be the closest Senate race in the country and one of the GOP’s best Senate pickup opportunities. In light of these factors, the Cook Political Report recently moved the U.S. Senate race from Lean Democratic to Toss Up.
