Cook Shifts Nevada Senate Race to “Toss Up”, Sam Brown Responds

Las Vegas, Nev. — On Wednesday, Cook Political Report shifted their Nevada Senate race rating from Lean Democrat to Toss Up, further putting incumbent Democrat Senator Jacky Rosen on defense in what will be one of the closest watched Senate races in the country.

“Nevada is now a toss up because Jacky Rosen is a rubber stamp for Joe Biden and has made things worse for Nevadans, from high prices to the open border. We are going to win in November, secure the border and make Nevada more affordable for middle class families,” said Sam Brown, in response to the rating shift.

“Jacky Rosen has prioritized what Joe Biden wants over what Nevada’s working families need, and our bank accounts are empty because of it. In November, Nevada will end Joe Biden and Jacky Rosen’s American Nightmare and elect Sam Brown to lead our grassroots movement towards a new future of opportunity and prosperity for every Nevadan,” said Kristy Wilkinson, Communications Director for Sam Brown for Nevada.

Sam Brown’s campaign continues to build momentum, breaking historic fundraising records and recently earning the endorsement of Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo, as polls show the race between Rosen and Brown in a virtual tie.
