“We Need A Plan That Restores Dignity to the American Worker” Says Sam Brown in New TV Ad

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — On Friday, the Sam Brown for Nevada campaign launched two new ads that will air throughout Nevada. “Sam’s Plan” will air on Las Vegas and Reno broadcast and statewide satellite. “Luchar Por Nosotros” will air on Spanish broadcast and digital statewide.

Both ads feature business owners and workers from Las Vegas who have been negatively affected by Jacky Rosen’s failed policies.  

“The only thing Democrats in DC care about is themselves. I’m working a lot more and seeing less results. We need a senator who will fight for us. I know Sam Brown would eliminate the tip tax. He is going to fight for us by lowering the prices of gasoline, food and taxes in Nevada,” says Liz, a Las Vegas restaurant owner in “Luchar Por Nosotros.” The above quote is translated to English from the original Spanish in the ad.

“Look, we need a plan that restores dignity to the American worker. I’m gonna ensure houses are more affordable...Lower prices on the essentials like food, fuel, and medications...And end taxes on tips and social security,” says Sam Brown in “Sam’s Plan.”

Alongside the ads, the campaign is also launching Sam Brown’s Economic Plan, accessible at LowerPricesNV.com — which gives Nevadans more details on the common sense economic solutions Sam Brown is championing…solutions that Jacky Rosen has refused to introduce or implement during her nearly 8 years in Congress.



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