“What Happens at the Border, Doesn’t Stay at the Border” says Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Sam Brown During U.S. – Mexico Border Visit

YUMA, AZ — Nevada U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown strongly condemned the poor leadership of President Biden and Sen. Jacky Rosen for their failure to secure the border, in a press conference at the U.S.-Mexico border over the weekend.

“What happens at the border, doesn’t stay at the border. Since Joe Biden took office, over 8 million people have come across unsecured parts of our border. That is two and a half times the population of Nevada,” said Captain Sam Brown. “This is failed leadership; this is what happens when politicians and bureaucrats in D.C. put politics over people — politics over Americans.”

Sam Brown toured the border wall, a local food bank, hospital, and the site of drug tunnels once used by El Chapo during the two day visit to Yuma. Leaders in federal and local law enforcement, the health care industry, and community support programs shared with Brown the devastating impact that the unsecured southern border has on their communities.

“I’ve been witness over the past two days to the impact it’s had in this community, right here in Yuma, as the local resources are stressed. But it’s not just here — it’s back home…the number one issue for our law enforcement officers in Nevada is the unsecure border,” continued Sam Brown. “As someone who sits on the Homeland Security committee in the Senate, [Jacky Rosen] has not been here since 2019. That’s failed leadership.”

Rosen’s last public trip to the border was in 2019 where she participated in a press conference attacking Border Patrol as it dealt with a surge in border crossings. She has stated on multiple occasions that she is against building border walls — even though Customs and Border Patrol officials stress the border wall is “an immediate need” to stop illegal immigration.

“If anybody knows what’s best on the border for security, it’s Border Patrol — who are our nation’s border security experts,” said Yuma County Sheriff Leon N. Wilmot.

“I’ll bring leadership back and secure this border for the good of our country, for the good of these communities, and the good of all Americans,” said Sam Brown.
