Brown: my pledge, vote against abortion ban

In case you missed it…Sam Brown released an op ed on abortion in the Las Vegas Sun: “My pledge: vote against federal abortion ban.”

Jacky Rosen and Nevada Democrats have spent nearly a year lying about Sam Brown’s personal position on abortion. Their smear attacks went into overdrive after Sam and Amy Brown appeared on NBC to discuss their personal stories of recovery, healing, and faith. During the interview, Sam also spoke publicly on his stance on abortion and stated he would not support a national abortion ban.

In his latest op ed, Sam reiterates his position on the issue and his belief that more women should be empowered to share their stories. Nevada voters can read the truth for themselves:

“It’s our duty, as a society, to let women know they have options — that they are supported, they are loved, and they are not alone. This includes ensuring that resources are available for pre- and postnatal care when life is chosen. Yes, Amy and I are pro-life. We believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. It is our hope that women choose life, and more families experience the joys of parenthood,” says Sam Brown, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada. “But we also respect the decision of Nevada voters who have chosen to enshrine legal protections for abortion. These protections have been in place for over three decades. And, contrary to what Jacky Rosen claims, no politician can single-handedly overturn these protections.”

Sam Brown also calls on Jacky Rosen to end her inflammatory rhetoric that “pits voters against women,” and invites her to “abandon her campaign of fear and join Amy and me in helping more women share their untold stories.”

You can read the full op ed here.



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