jacky rosen flip flops on no taxes on tips

“I'm pleased to see that Jacky Rosen is finally supporting a solution for working families, an idea championed by President Trump and me. Having worked in an Amazon warehouse to support my family, I understand the struggle of putting in 10- or 12-hour days just to make ends meet. Nevada workers deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money, and our plan to end taxes on tips will do just that. Nevadans won't forget that Jacky Rosen had nearly 8 years to address this issue and did nothing. Once again, Jacky Rosen has failed us," said Sam Brown, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate.

"Make no mistake, Jacky Rosen has spent her entire Congressional career demonizing the America First movement as 'extreme' while relentlessly working to undermine President Trump's agenda. For nearly eight years, Rosen has been an obstructionist, consistently voting in lockstep with Biden and the Democrats almost 100% of the time. Now, as her failures catch up to her, she's scrambling to save face. Expect to see her shamelessly flip-flopping her way through November," said Kristy Wilkinson, Communications Director.



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