Rosen campaign attacks sam brown’s story of hope and recovery

In Case You Missed It…Nevada Democrats openly mock Purple Heart veteran Sam Brown as “weird” and attack his story of hope and recovery.

The latest smears from Team Jacky and the Nevada Dems cross the line into cruelty and classlessness.

On Tuesday night, the Nevada Democrats’ official X account took aim at Sam Brown and JD Vance, calling them “plain weird” in a post that was immediately met with backlash from users across the platform — with many users pointing out that the mocking a visibly disfigured veteran as “weird” crosses the lines of dignity.

Sam Brown took to X with a personal video in response, in part saying:

“Yes, you can call my face weird. It won't be the first or last time I've heard it. But my message is not to you. My message is to anyone else who has been put down or called "weird" because of their experiences or who they are...I say to you: do not allow others to define you. I'm proud of my scars. They might look a little different, but it gives me an opportunity to encourage others.I encourage every one of you to lean into the things that make you unique and that others may call "weird" and realize that your experience, whether it is suffering or something else, gives you an opportunity to connect with others and give them hope. You are loved. You are appreciated. The things that make you unique can also be your greatest strength.”

This latest attack by the NV Dems comes on the heels of another reckless attempt by Nevada Democrat staffers to smear Sam Brown.

Fox News and The Nevada Globe reported that both the Jacky Rosen campaign and NV Democrats have maliciously referred to Sam Brown’s new book, Alive Day: Finding Hope and Purpose After Losing Everything, as a "grift.”

Staffers for both Rosen and the Nevada Dems seemed all too delighted to double-down in bashing Sam Brown’s personal story of surviving a roadside bomb attack in Afghanistan and his years-long journey of physical and spiritual recovery.

Kristy Wilkinson, Communications Director for Sam Brown for Senate, released the following statement: "These attacks are not just an insult to the Browns, they are an insult to all veterans who sacrificed and served our country. It's disgusting behavior from someone who is supposed to be representing all Nevadans."



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