“Times Are Tough, But We Will Overcome…Nevada, I’ve Got You” Says Sam Brown in New TV Ad

LAS VEGAS, Nev. — On Friday, the Sam Brown for Nevada campaign launched a new 30 second ad to be aired on English and Spanish language broadcast and digital, in the Las Vegas and Reno markets.

The biographical spot introduces Sam’s message of hope and personal story after recovery from an IED explosion, including his time working in Reno Amazon warehouse and starting a small business in Nevada.

“One version of me died in the desert of Kandahar, but I heard the voice of one of my soldiers immediately after say, “Sir, I’ve got you,” and that was the rebirth. My message to Nevada is one of hope. I can lead with empathy — having school-aged children; having worked in an Amazon warehouse; starting a business. Times are tough, but we will overcome. Nevada, I’ve got you,” said Sam Brown, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, in the new ad.

Alongside the new ad, the Sam Brown campaign is releasing a 5 minute ad on the Sam Brown website — telling Sam Brown’s story of rebirth, recovery, and hope in full. The ad features both Sam and Amy Brown sharing their personal journeys as soldiers, husband and wife, parents, and Nevadans.

“We’ve had an incredibly blessed life…and it came with hard work, and it came with sacrifice. But we owe it to Nevadans, we owe it to our fellow Americans, to not just live in that success for our own sake…my hope will never be extinguished, it is reignited,” said Sam Brown. “Your struggle is my struggle.”

“These ads not only highlight Sam Brown’s incredible journey but also serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that defines our state. Sam Brown is a leader who is fighting for all Nevadans; he understands their struggles because he lives with those struggles everyday. Sam Brown will be a U.S. Senator who ensures that every Nevadan’s voice is heard in Washington,” said Kristy Wilkinson, Communications Director.





Rosen campaign attacks sam brown’s story of hope and recovery