Sam Brown’s Economic Plan

Make housing more affordable

Could you afford to buy your home today? Our family couldn’t. Multi-millionaire Jacky Rosen just doesn’t get it. She’s had nearly 8 years to promote housing growth and make housing prices more affordable in Nevada. Instead, while she’s been our Senator, home ownership and rent are more expensive – in Las Vegas alone, we’ve reached historic highs. Why? The cost of building materials, burdensome regulations, and not having enough land to build on. The federal government owns 85% of Nevada, meaning it literally takes an act of Congress to release lands for development back to our state. This hasn’t been a priority for Jacky Rosen, who has been caught on record saying she doesn’t believe Nevada can manage its own lands. It will, however, be a priority for me. To make housing more affordable, I’ll get to work releasing federal lands back to Nevada on a regular and reliable timetable. I’ll work to cut burdensome regulations that slow down and sometimes even stop housing development projects. And I’ll work to secure America’s energy future, to lower the costs of building materials so more homes can be built at cheaper costs. These common sense solutions, that Jacky Rosen has refused to implement, will lower housing costs and increase inventory so more Nevadans can afford the opportunity to experience home ownership, an essential element of the American Dream for many.

Lower prices on essentials

Gas, groceries, medications…all of them are more expensive now than they were just a few years ago. We know who’s to blame – it’s the out of touch politicians, like Jacky Rosen, who have spent years in Washington, D.C. recklessly spending our tax dollars and creating inflation. Jacky Rosen made things so much more expensive for all of us, and she thinks she deserves reelection? I don’t think so. My family has had to cut back and make tough choices to survive these tough times, just like yours. That’s why I’m committed to implementing solutions that will lower prices for every Nevadan. We can immediately bring down costs first by stopping the reckless spending in Washington that caused prices to skyrocket in Nevada. Jacky Rosen voted for 100% of “Bidenomics” – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s economic plan that put us into this mess. Second, we can lower taxes on everyday goods like food, gas, medicine and energy. Manufacturers, shippers and service industry leaders will all pay more if we let the Trump tax cuts expire like Jacky Rosen intends to do. That means less jobs for us, and higher prices for consumers. Third, we can create better energy and monetary policies that lower costs for the production and transportation of goods, so that savings and lower prices are passed on directly to us, the consumers. The more we produce domestic energy, the more stable the cost of energy will be for our people. Along with cutting taxes and regulations, which will drive down costs, Washington must be forced to produce budgets that don’t drive up inflation and hurt working families. Jacky Rosen has had nearly 8 years to make things cheaper for you, and she’s only made things more expensive. I’ll get to work right away solving these problems so costs go down for every Nevadan.

End taxes on tips

Over 253k workers (17%) in Nevada rely on tips to help pay their bills and raise their families. In Las Vegas, nearly 20% of the Valley’s workforce are tipped workers. My plan is to end taxes on tips – which will have an enormous impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of Nevadans who are struggling to survive in these tough economic times. I’ve spent the past year traveling throughout the state, speaking with service workers who live paycheck to paycheck and are in desperate need of solutions that will give them some relief. No Taxes on Tips is a commonsense proposal that will save Nevada families millions in taxes so that your tips can go towards rent, buying a new home, putting food on the table, and providing for your family. Jacky Rosen has had nearly 8 years to end taxes on tips, but she has refused to do it. Nevadans need a leader who will make it happen. It’s your money – you earned it by providing a service, and you should keep it. The government should not tax it. I’ll work to end taxes on tips for every Nevadan.

Eliminate taxes on social security benefits

Protecting Social Security and Medicare is important to me, and here’s why: both programs were there for me during my recovery. Yes, I was the beneficiary of Social Security and Medicare – and so I recognize how important these programs are to recipients. That’s why I’m committed to ensuring both remain solvent, so every person who has paid into them can receive their benefits. Jacky Rosen has spent nearly 8 years doing nothing to ensure these vital programs remain funded and available for years to come. In fact, her reckless spending has contributed to crises that both programs are facing. When I get to the U.S. Senate, I’ll work to save Social Security and Medicare. Furthermore, I’ll work to end taxes on these benefits. You’ve already paid taxes on them before; you shouldn’t be taxed twice. I’ll work to ensure these programs remain solvent, and end taxes on Social Security and Medicare benefits so seniors can keep more of the money you’ve earned in retirement.